
Acc NoBG/1
DescriptionThis company was formed in 1846 as the Radcliffe and Pilkington Gas Co. The company was incorporated by AoP in 1854. The original works were small and a new site was acquired in 1866 on Wilton St / Egerton St in Radcliffe. This was initially used for storage only and then in 1876 the old site was closed down and production moved to Egerton St. In 1921 an agreement between the Radcliffe UDC and Little Lever UDC resulted in the undertaking being purchased by the newly formed Radcliffe and Little Lever Joint Gas Board. The Board continued to operate the works until it was acquired by the UKGC Ltd in 1938 when it was combined with the Farnworth and Kearsley Gas Co. to form the Radcliffe, Farnworth and District Gas Co.(see also NW:FAK). The works at Farnworth were closed down in 1941 and all gas supplied was from Radcliffe. Between 1939 and 1944 complete reconstruction of the carbonising plant was undertaken and in 1952 the purification plant was replaced. In 1949 it became part of the Bolton-Radcliffe Group of the NWGB. This collection contains administrative, estate, financial, legal, personnel and technical records. It includes amalgamation papers, building records and technical drawings of plant, a survey of wages (1903), pension papers and distribution records. There are three public relations photographs and site plans of the gasworks. [ 1854 - 1949]
Date1846 - 1949
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